A pro’s guide to installing A-Series windows

Installing windows in a harsh coastal environment requires skill and attention to detail as Ryan Sweenor and Max Lupovitz of Sweenor Builders demonstrate in this step-by-step video. 

This is an overview of a window installation. This process was selected by the builder and may not be right for all applications. The terminology used may be different from what is found in our installation guidelines. Find installation instructions tailored to your product and project.

A step-by-step installation of A-Series windows

1. Preparing the window

They begin by carefully unboxing the window. They verify that the window is correctly sized for the rough opening (RO), remove the handles, and clean the flange to prepare for the sealing process. They then apply sealant around the corners of the interior flange to create a secure, watertight seal. They also fold in the hurricane clips (we call them “jamb clips”) to avoid any interference during installation. 

2. Preparing the RO

They verify that the RO is correctly sized and that it’s plumb, level, and square. To help prevent water infiltration, the team installs a piece of clapboard with a 5-degree pitch on the sill. This directs any water runoff away from the building, adding an extra layer of protection. Then, stretch tape is applied over the clapboard and up onto the sides of the RO to protect from water. On the exterior of the RO, they cut the water resistive barrier (WRB) at a 45-degree angle above the RO, leaving enough room for the top flashing to fit and secure this flap of WRB out of the way while they install the window. Then, they apply sealant along the top and sides of the opening. 

3. Installing the window

They place shims about a quarter inch from the edge of the RO to create a level base for the window jambs. With the shims in place, they carefully lift the window into the opening. They then turn their focus to aligning and securing the window. They tack the top corners and verify the window is level and plumb. They adjust as necessary using shims for precise alignment, and then nail the window unit into place. They also make sure to check the operation of the unit. 

4. Flashing and sealing

Once the window is nailed off, they install the drip cap and flash the window. They apply the flashing tape to the sides of the windows first, and the head last. Once the flashing is done, they bring the secured flap of WRB back down to lap over the flashing tape. Finally, they roll the flashing tape to eliminate air bubbles and enable a solid, adhesive bond.

About Sweenor Builders

With characteristic determination, Jeff Sweenor built his career in construction from the ground up. He founded Sweenor Builders in 1989, carefully assembling a team of craftsmen who share his passion for creating the finest quality homes while delivering exceptional client experiences. 35 years later, Sweenor Builders has become one of Rhode Islands’ most sought-after builders thanks to Jeff’s vision.  Jeff is directly involved in each project and remains focused on continually broadening and deepening his expertise, attracting the best in the business, and expanding firm capabilities. 

Jeff Sweenor